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6 Tips for Breastfeeding Through the Holidays

Breastfeeding is NOT an easy task, add on the Holidays to that and it’s super easy to get overwhelmed and feel a lot of stress this time of year. We put together our top 6 Tips for Breastfeeding Through The Holidays.

It's crazy how much time breastfeeding takes out of your day. And it's so easy to feel overwhelmed with the Holidays right around the corner. So much to do!

But most importantly, we're giving you permission to SLOW DOWN. As a mom, we think we can handle everything. Don't be afraid to ask for help, do less this year and don't over extend yourself with obligations. Skip a Christmas party if you don't feel up to it. Just use the... "baby isn't feeling well" trick ;) …. We’ve all done it.


#1 Don’t Worry About Food Restrictions

How many times have we heard, “Don’t eat that; it’ll make your baby gassy?” This my friend is an old wives tale. Go ahead and enjoy the foods you normally do. Eat that spaghetti, scarf down those beans… as long as your baby doesn’t have any specific allergies, you should be just fine mama.


#2 Baby Wearing Is A Life Saver

It seems like we’re just running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Christmas shopping, wrapping, visiting with friends and family, making dinner, baking, decorating, hosting parties… it never ends. If you don’t already have a baby wrap, we suggest you go get one ASAP.

They will save your life! No joke. Snuggling your baby, letting them sleep and being close enough to mom to touch and smell her will keep your baby content while your hands are FREE to get all the thing you need to get done, done!

Not to mention, your visitors are bound to want to touch, hold (and even kiss) your little squishy. And during cold and flu season, you may not be open to the idea of passing your baby around to everyone. Keeping them in your wrap allows friends and family to see your little cutie, but keeps them safe and snuggled with you.


#3 Remember You’re The Mom

It’s easy for relatives to blurt out their own opinions about what your baby should be eating or how and when you should be breastfeeding… the good ol’ “here’s a private room for you to nurse when you need to”. Ummmm…. thanks?

Remember, you are your baby’s mother and their opinions don’t matter. You know what’s best for your baby. No need to leave the dinner table (if you don’t want to) or leave the conversation (if you don’t want to) or miss out on the family games to leave and go feed your baby in private. Continue on as you normally would, while feeding your baby.

You got this! Use your voice, even if it shakes… we have your back.


#4 Be realistic With Your Time

Breastfeeding takes up a LOT of your time. Which leaves little time for shopping, baking and entertaining. Be realistic in what you have time to do.

Instead, give gift cards, purchase baking, and consider ordering in when you can. No need to do it all. Give your partner a list of things they can do to help out. Give a few extra chores to your older kids. Take a day to “couch-it” in your jammies, watch Netflix and feed on demand. You don’t regret it.


#5 Feel Free To Use Your Baby As A Break

Girl, this is a real thing… and trust me when I say, we’ve all done it.

If you’re getting overwhelmed or just simply tired, don’t hesitate to use your baby as an excuse to take a pause. We’re all for public breastfeeding but if your baby is getting distracted or you just want a break, you might prefer to take a few quiet minutes away to nurse your baby.


#6 Alcohol Isn’t Completely Off Limits

It’s OKAY to have a glass of wine or a beer here and there with dinner. Moderate alcohol consumption isn’t known to be harmful to your baby.

Dr. Jack Newman says…

“Reasonable alcohol intake should not be discouraged at all. As is the case with most drugs, very little alcohol comes out in the milk. The mother can take some alcohol and continue breastfeeding as she normally does. Prohibiting alcohol is another way we make life unnecessarily restrictive for nursing mothers.”

The level of alcohol in your milk peaks about an hour after drinking. To limit your baby’s exposure, nurse just before having a drink. You don’t have to pump and dump. As the alcohol is cleared from your bloodstream, the level in your milk will also go down



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