Dressing The Punks - Belin

A typical morning for me starts before 8 AM hearing Kai’s chipper voice over the monitor calling for “Dada” or “Mama”. That’s my cue he’s ready for his morning cup of almond milk. Unlike his twin, the sleepy look on Kingston’s face always shows just how much he wishes he could’ve slept in longer.

After breakfast, we water the flowers, get dressed, and then load up in the car to run errands. Back home for lunch by noon and then it’s nap time shortly after. Guess who’s always the first to wake up from their nap? Yep, it's Kai. Poor Kingston… the struggle is real.

I always try to plan some sort of adventure or activity for them after their nap. On this day, we set up a picnic in our backyard. We pretended to go on a bear hunt, played the drums, snacked on popcorn and played peek-a-boo in their teepee. I’m by no means an outdoorsy girl. Truth be told, I almost called the whole thing off after hearing what turned out to be deer wrestling in our wooded ravine. But then I remembered a few years back when my husband and I had come face to face with some deer. I reacted by immediately walking backwards, in fear, as fast as I could. After my husband stopped laughing, he yelled, “They’re more afraid of you than you are of them.” Thankfully, that tidbit of advice took.

The boys and I had a great afternoon. Now that I’m reflecting, I find myself feeling grateful that being their mother continually challenges me to step outside of my comfort zone. It might not always feel that way in the moment, but I know it’s good for me. In the future, maybe Kingston will feel the same way about his alarm clock, twin brother.
- Belin
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