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Dressing The Punks - Kayleigh + Scribble & Stars (Bonus: Healthy Treat Recipe)

Hey there! I’m Kayleigh and I live with my wonderful hubby, Tom, and our little wild child, Aidan (20 months) in Canberra Australia. I am SO honoured to be a part of the Lot801 family, I mean, how AMAZING are Lindsay and her threads?!!

I stumbled across Lot801 on Instagram a few months ago and immediately fell in love. These funky,  eco-friendly and ethically made clothes are exactly what I had always imagined dressing my kids in, they totally embody my idea of childhood and even remind me of my own.

Aidan is at an age where snapping photos of him standing still isn’t as easy as it once was. Unless I’m after a particularly blurry image of him running away from the camera, I pretty much have to resort to bribery to get a decent shot. His (and my!) absolute favourite treat at the moment is homemade chocolate milk. I make it from scratch so that I know exactly what’s going into him and it’s all organic. Healthy AND delicious? Yes please!

To give this bona-fide healthy treat a try, you will need:

- ½ cup organic coconut oil
- 5 tablespoons of  raw cocoa powder
- 3 tablespoons of raw local honey
- ½ teaspoon vanilla extract

Heat the coconut oil in a saucepan over a low heat. When liquid, remove from heat and stir in the cocoa powder until smooth. Stir in honey and vanilla extract and leave to cool for 15 minutes to thicken.

Add two tablespoons of the mixture to a glass, pour in some milk (I use almond, but any milk you prefer will work!) stir and serve!

It’s as easy as that and is really yummy! You could also use it as a sauce over brownies, a syrup for icecream (or leave it on icecream for a few minutes to create a hard chocolate shell – yum!) or pop some into a blender with milk & banana for a healthy choc banana shake!

Works like a charm!

Or you can wait until they’re asleep, that works pretty well too ;)

I love taking photos of Aidan and always try to make them interesting to look at, as well as interesting for him to be in. His favourite things at the moment are bubbles and balloons and since I’m not talented enough to blow bubbles and snap pictures on my camera at the same time, I thought I’d try a balloon photo session. Apparently I like to challenge myself, and decided to pick the windiest day Canberra has ever seen to grab some giant balloons, my toddler, and attempt an outdoor photo session. I managed to get these three shots before two of the balloons took to the sky and my son had the world’s biggest meltdown. Lesson learnt.. Wait until hubs comes home from work before I try anything like that again, definitely a two person job!

Feel free to come and say hi over on my Instagram page @kayleighmcglynn - I’m looking forward to connecting with you all and sharing our love for this beautiful brand!

Scribble leggings here. Stars scarf here. Scribble beanie here. Stars beanie here.

You can find Kayleigh on Instagram here.

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