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Dressing The Punks - Krista

Summertime is all about living it up and we have sure accomplished that! This past week we went camping at Pismo Beach with my whole side of the family. My parent's have a trailer and we have always been trailer campers since we were little so anytime we go camping, it always brings back the best memories. It's such a fun time to just stop and not worry about anything!

My two older sisters were there that Boston loves getting attention from and my oldest sister has three girls that Boston just absolutely adores! He has the best time when we are with them. It makes me so happy that my kids are able to grow up and be so close with their cousins!

The days of laying out on the beach and just relaxing are long gone once you have little kids but I find myself wanting to do stuff that is fun for Boston much more than stuff that is fun for adults! We spent lots of days walking on the beach picking up seashells and at the pool swimming. We also went to a children's museum in San Luis Obispo and spent three hours there! The kids had a blast!

We also went to the Avila Barn which is where these pictures were taken. This place was so much fun for everyone! They have lots of different animals that you can see and feed lettuce to. They also have a pony ride and Boston thought he was so incredibly cool when he rode the little miniature pony! It was the cutest thing ever!

There is a fruit stand there and as soon as I picked up a plumcot to buy, Boston grabbed it out of my hand and started eating it! He made the biggest mess but if he's eating then I'm a happy mama! And it was pretty darn cute watching him!

Watching your child experience new things and the excitement that comes from it is the best thing in the world! It makes everything so much more fun in life!


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