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Mama is “The Boss, Applesauce” - Homemade Apple Sauce Recipe

Protein smoothies, peanut butter sandwiches (no jelly) & plain Greek yogurt... That about sums up my kiddos' current menu.

They're both in a picky-eater stage... shunning most veggies and all meat. My son is so particular that he insists on sitting under the table at mealtime so he doesn't have to smell my or my husband’s food.

Then there's our daughter.. she throws everything off her tray and then screams for more food, so we can repeat her game of toss & cry over and over. I’m lucky if three bites make it down the hatch. 


My three year-old and one year-old go through intense taste phases where they love. love a few items and then, wuhhh??? a week later they won't touch it. Both went from gobbling down beets, peas and carrots to boycotting them all. That is, unless they don't know about the veggies. Wink, wink.

They might refuse to eat their greens, but I am mom and I'm "the boss applesauce"(as my son says).

So, I make applesauce! Green applesauce, that is, and they love it!! They have no idea their sweet fruit purée is loaded with spinach, with all its glorious vitamins & nutrients. Sneaky sneaky, mama! 

My littles not only dig my secret-ingredient applesauce, but they also beg to help me make it. Score! Of course, I don't let them see the spinach, but they have fun playing with the utensils and sampling the apples.

They also like throwing peels across the floor and spitting out chewed up apples, which is no fun for mama, but I’ll take the mess if it means my babies get in their healthy whole foods.

Here’s how you can become the “Boss Applesauce

Homemade Applesauce Recipe

What you need:

4-5 apples of any variety

1 handful fresh spinach (you can also use kale). Start small, if you add too much, they'll catch on.

Optional: cinnamon to taste

How to:

Peel & cube apples. Steam for 10-12 minutes or until apples are soft, but not mushy. Add spinach and steam an addition 3-5 minutes. Let spinach fully wilt. Add optional cinnamon & cool. Place in food processor or blender until smooth. I freeze half of the batch & refrigerate the rest until it's picnic time - and when my 1 year old insists on feeding herself, this means early bath-time & laundry. Being the boss is a messy job!

These little cuties styled in our Monochrome Joggers HERE and Polka Dot Suspenders HERE.

-Elyse (make sure to follow Elyse on Instagram HERE)

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