Owlet to The Rescue!!! [Sock Baby Monitor]

I still can't get over that I have a brand new baby boy... I mean, those cute little chubby cheeks are just so yummy!!! And little Koda is adjusting to life outside the womb like a little rockstar. He's 6 weeks old and waking just once (around 1:30am) to fill his little belly, then goes right back down to sleep.
So around 3 1/2 weeks we decided to transition Koda into his own room, in his own crib. When Allie was a baby we moved her to her own room at 5 weeks and as soon as we did... she slept like a little Angel (cough, and so did we).
So we decided to give it a try. But of course as a mother, I was freaking nervous. What if he coughs, what if he stops breathing, what if he spits up and chokes on it... the list goes on.
So I was super excited to hear about Owlet. Owlet is a local brand here in Utah and I instantly fell in love. They designed the softest little sock that fits right over your little ones foot and it tracks your baby's heart rate and oxygen while they sleep!
If the baby's oxygen falls outside a preset zone, it's designed to notify you both on your phone and the Base Station. Uhhh... sounds amazing right?
So I just download an app on my phone and slip a super high tech sock over my little Koda's foot and I can sleep easy knowing there's an extra set of eyes watching over him????? Sign me up!
Now I feel a little more comfortable knowing my little babe's wellbeing. I mean, his room is like 4 steps away from ours.... that's like 5 lifetimes away in mom years lol. So our Owlet came in the mail, we slipped it over his foot before bedtime and voila... ALL of us got the best sleep we'd gotten in weeks.
I love having my little babe in his own crib knowing he's sleeping soundly. But I have to admit, I still check my phone every few minutes before I fall asleep making sure his heart rate and oxygen levels are normal (hey I'm a mom, we worry!). But I'm quickly reassured that every thing is fine, and can finally close my eyes for the night.
Seriously, best product EVER!!!!
You can snatch our Palms Swaddle Blanket HERE and Owlet Baby Monitor HERE.