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Pure Fit Pure Food + HIIT Workout

Hi, I’m Brecke from @Purefitpurefood. I do the fitness (purefit) and my friend Devrie (you will meet later does the food purefood). I am a certified personal trainer. I have been teaching fitness for over 10 years, I started dancing when I was young and it turned into teaching aerobics, and later into personal training.  

I have three kids Cache who is 5, Boe is 2 ½ and Jett who is 5 months old! My life is busy with my sweet kids, husband and my business purefitpurefood.

My passion is exercise I feel like you should try to sweat everyday! I know life gets busy and sometimes its tough to get a workout in. I love HIIT workouts (high, intensity, interval training). These workouts are fast, hard and you can do almost anywhere. These HIIT workouts burn calories not only while you are exercising, but also you continue to burn calories after the workout is over! Can’t beat that.

Here is a HIIT workout for you to try:

4 exercises: Each exercise you will do for  :45 seconds, then rest for :30 seconds.

Try to do this routine for 4 rounds! (After every round grab some water)

1-ankle taps/double squat

2-criss cross jacks (as fast as you can)

3-frog jumps (keep your upper body up)

4-4 plank walks into 4 pushups (feel free to go onto your knees or hips during pushups)

Ok! It’s your turn to try it. 

You can find Pure Fit Pure Food here. Follow them on Instagram here

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