Remedies for Curing a Sick Toddler
Getting sick is the fucking worst. It's even harder when your kids get sick. I am constantly trying new methods and tried and true remedies that will get her feeling well without using synthetic drugs and chemicals.
My decision for Annabelle's health has always been based around the motto: Try holistic first, then go from there. This motto is true even with the common cold.
Treating any ailment in a kid, for me, is always determined by two things: 1. Is she happy (i.e. eating + drinking, playing normally, and has an overall happy demeanor) and 2. Is there the potential for this sickness to worsen. These will be my guidelines on how aggressive to treat the illness.
As an example, after 2 stressful days of taking care of my mom after spinal fusion surgery, I came back to a sick toddler. It started with a runny nose and now has turned into congestion and a violent cough. Since Annabelle is prone to ear infections, my first go to is garlic ear oil.
You can pick it up at any organic market or co-op. I put that in her ear about twice a day to stave off any possible ear infections. Garlic is a superfood as well as a natural anti-fungal and anti-
bacterial agent. It kills EVERYTHING... in a good way. If you are a real supermom like my friend Whitney (read her blog here), you can make your own garlic oil, which is more potent and effective than the stuff on the shelf.
Surprisingly, it's easier to make than you would think to make. For the common cold with congestion, I will take a saline nose sprays that is specifically for kids and use it every couple of hours. This keeps her sinus clear and her being able to breath a little clearer, The saline also rinses and moisturizes the nostrils keeping them healthy and happy.
Along with saline nose spray, a humidifier does wonders while sleeping. A humidifier breaks up congestion and allows baby to breathe a little easier while lying down. Similarly, a diffuser is great for immunity and breathing. Adding 10 or so drops of essential oil blends from Do-Terra, such as On-Guard for immunity and Breathe for congestion, work wonders too.
Lastly, I'm always looking for ways to ramp up her immunity, especially when she's sick. The supplements that are my go to are Elderberry, a good probiotic, and a quality bone broth. I give these to her everyday, but when's she's ill, I will double up to really get her system going. All of these products you can find at Whole Foods or on Amazon.
I've linked the ones I use above. All in all, when the babies get sick, mom loses lots of sleep and become run down too. It's super important to stay hydrated and rested when your babes gets sick. Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your children.
*I am in no way a doctor or licensed to give any kind of health information. I am just a mom sharing what works for me. Before starting any treatments, you should always consult a health professional first.
Little miss Annabelle styled in our *** Joggers HERE.
-Chelsea (make sure to follow Chelsea on Instagram HERE)