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The Room That Wears Many Hats

lot801 monochrome harem leggings and joggers for babies and toddlers
Lot801 kidswear
lot801 monochrome harem leggings and joggers for babies and toddlers
Lot801 kids wear
lot801 harem leggings and joggers for babies and toddlers
Lot801 kids wear. Monochrome harem leggings and joggers

Our bedroom wears many hats. It’s a place where we have tickle fights, jump around, and play airplane. It’s a place where we read books, snuggle, and practice all the new baby skills that need a nice and soft landing.

It’s a place where I fold laundry because, let’s face it, most other surfaces in the house are always covered with stuff.

And, of course, it’s a place where we sleep. We are co-sleepers – partially by choice (there are many benefits including long term emotional health for your babies), partially out of convenience (let’s face it, I’m way too lazy to get up in the middle of the night to nurse my babies).

But mainly because it’s what gets everyone the most amount of sleep.

In our new house, we turned one of the bedrooms into a giant bed. Two queen mattresses fit perfectly wall to wall so there’s plenty of room for everyone! And of course plenty of room to play, read, and fold laundry. 

This little guy styled in our super comfy Monochrome Joggers HERE.

xx Sina (Make sure to follow Sina on Instagram HERE)

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