To All The Mommas Who Started Out Young
o all the mommas who started out young:
Some days I'll go out in public with my mom and my son and people will come up to me and say "you're little brother is so cute" and I just laugh and say thank you because it's just easier that way. I still am young, almost 21, but I feel sometimes I look a lot younger than I am. So I can see where people can't tell or get mixed up with who is the momma.
I mean, no one at 19 sees themselves having a kid. I certainly didn't, but here I am! I'm also married and didn't see that happening either. Considering I was dating my husband for less than a week when I found out I was pregnant.
Oops! I'm at a different place in my life than most of my peers, but no one goes the same pace. I still get jealous of people who can get up and go travel somewhere whenever they want. Or who don't have to find a baby sitter to go do something during the day.
My husband and I just had our friends go on a trip, and we couldn't go, because we're parents. And that's okay! Because we get to raise a little human! We get to watch him grow and learn! I was able to have a kid when some people have such a hard time having their own.
We're blessed! And just because we're parents doesn't mean we have to put things we used to do on hold all the time. So here are some things to remember about being a young mom.
- You can still go out, just not as often! Drop your kids off at grandma and grandpas! (Or if you're like me, just take them upstairs lol)
- Take advantage of your free time! Clean, take a nap, go out and treat yourself. Go see that movie without being nervous of your kid screaming during the middle of it.
- Don't let those rude opinions and comments get to you.
- It's okay to ask for help (even as a first time momma of any age)
- Everyone raises their children in their own way. There's no 'right' way. Every mom is different and so is every child. Someone else's parenting skills might not work on your kids. But it's always good to listen to advice given to you.
- Don't compare yourself
- If you're single, don't get caught up in trying to date if nothing is working out. Focus on yourself and your kids! You'll find someone at the right time.
- Find people your age with kids as well, go on momma + kiddo dates.
- And have fun! Laugh and smile as much as you can!
I do not know everything, these are just things that I always try to remember and tell myself to keep myself happy when I get down.
Little man styled in our Pineapple Joggers HERE.
-Bri (make sure to follow Bri on Instagram HERE)