Toddler Outfits: Mommy and Me Street Style
Hey from Sydney!
Lately I've been catching myself saying the same negative messages derived from fear and frustration to my daughter Matisse (2yrs) over and over again. Things like "don't touch that it's yucky", "stop it Matisse, you'll hurt yourself", "you need to listen to mummy" and I'm feeling like a broken record getting more and more stressed and frustrated.
Then it's not until I stop and take a deep breath do I realize what I'm really saying to her. I'm limiting her imagination, putting that fear into her of something bad happening and not celebrating her enthusiasm and bewilderment. Children have beautiful imaginations and we need to be encouraging them with positive, proactive messages. Obviously not the things we'd prefer them not to do like biting, hitting and throwing things, which we all get on a daily basis let's face it, although perhaps we should switch the way we perceive what they're doing and turn it into a positive.
An example being: If they hit you and laugh, we reply calmly yet assertively with "Wow you're very strong but instead of hitting me let's tap this seat like a drum and make some music!"
Or if they scream in the car because you're totally ignoring them (by trying to concentrate) then say "Hey what a beautiful singing voice! Let's sing Old MacDonald really really fast!" Or "Let's play the quiet little mice game..."
These are just examples and may not work for everyone, every time, however I believe that our kids only want to be included, loved and encouraged by us as parents. We should be mindful of what we are repeating over and over. They need to know they're doing great things!
Oh to have their energy again! I see it as inspiring. This leads me to why Matisse has this pool toy thing she found at the park moment before. She thought it was fantastic and I loved watching her make telescopes out of it.
Matisse styled in out Monochrome joggers.
xxx Kiri | Make sure to follow Kiri on Instagram HERE.